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Multifuel burner X2

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Original price was: $270.00.Current price is: $250.01.

Including 11% VAT



The Multifuel burner X2 is a fast and safe alternative that is particularly suitable in extreme weather conditions, e.g. very low temperatures. The multi-fuel burner fits all Trangia stoves 25 Large and 27 Small. A somewhat more complicated device to use than other burners because preheating and regular maintenance are required. This burner can also be used with gas. Fits all propane / butane gas containers with threaded valves that meet the standard EN417, which is an international standard and found worldwide. Primus, MSR, Optimus, Jet boil are some some examples of manufacturers of these gas containers.

First choice of fuel to use should be cartridge gas or high quality fuel such as white gas, alkylate petrol or Primus Powerfuel. These fuels have the highest energy content, burn very cleanly and require the least cleaning and maintenance. Kerosene and diesel should only be used in an absolute emergency as they require a lot of cleaning afterwards. Regular 95 octane gasoline should never be used. Please note the quality of these fuels varies around the world.

Boils 1 liter of water in 4 min with gas and 4.5 min with alkylated pure petrol (varies depending on weather and fuel quality). It burns approx. 200 ml gasoline or 116 g gas per hour on full power.

We offer a special service kit (art no 750100) for our Multifuel burner. It contains the most important spare parts that can wear out or need to be changed. If you go out for a longer trip, we strongly recommend to always bring tools and a service kit for your stove. For trouble-free use of the burner, read the instructions provided. There you will also find advice on cleaning and care. From the start, you should regularly open your burner for maintenance. This prevents the parts from sticking and keeps the nozzle and fuel line clean and open.

• Burner
• Pump
• Fuel bottle 0.6 liter
• Servicetool
• 2 jets (0.32 mm gas/ petrol 0.28 mm kerosen/ diesel)
• Cover

• Weight 525 g.
• Consumption: Gas 116g/h. Alkylated petrol 2dl/h
• Output: 1600w/ 5800 btu (gas), 1500 w/ 5200 btu (alkylated petrol).



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